Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ode to a Sketchbook

For the first time ever, I completed a sketchbook. There have been pages torn from this book, including the first page, but I still think it counts.

This book was purchased in a Pearl Arts Supply in Philadelphia in 2004. It served as a design idea book and later a drawing book. It got slightly mis-shaped by a yogurt bursting in my book bag last year. The book has traveled with me from NYC, to Austin TX, and Hawaii.

Shown is the first page, the start of a logo idea for a shrimp truck in Oahu, Hawaii. The last page, completed yesterday, are random people at a bookstore.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

18 Years

Eighteen years ago today my father passed. I was eleven years old. Now that my first child is on the way, I think about what kind of father I'm going to be. I've learned from the mistakes he made. I'm ready.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Work in Progress: Avance Website

This assignment was to create a website based on the look and feel of the previously created items in the campaign. I also had to include elements from the 15 second spot as a banner. Photography is original.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Work in Progress: Avance TV Spot

The assignment was to create storyboards for a 15 second TV spot that can also be converted into a web banner using the Avance logo and color scheme. You may not be able to read the descriptions underneath each board.

[feb 5, 2008 update: I realize now that I made a huge no-no in writing the copy... to stay away from "Introducing..." ...why couldn't I stumble upon Alex White's Advertising Design and Typography last year?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Work in Progress: Avance Redux

Avance Airlines logo rework, with company color scheme. Professor was not "completely sold" on the color treatment of the type. I took out the second custom 'A.' I think it reads better.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Work in Progress: Avance Airlines

Three logo ideas for a new airline based in Barcelona, with daily service to and from the U.S.

I think I might work on the first one. The kerning needs to be touched. Prof isn't totally sold on the A not touching the radial stroke.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Broken Pizza

I ordered a slice of white pizza for lunch. Apparently, the slice felt it necessary to break apart. Points off for presentation. I drew the pizza man because he had this huge mustache.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Work in Progress: Relaxt Logo

The assignment was to create a package for a fictitious high-end tea brand, communicating four different flavors. Creating the identity wasn't part of the assignment, but I felt it was an appropriate element.

I always strive for simplicity, and I think I achieved it so far.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Rum Punch

My wife and I had a bunch of people over Friday night. I made rum punch. It was hailed as 'awesome' by many guests. I had a little too much (photos not available.)

Recipe available upon request.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Philadelphia in July

In town for ActionScript training.

Eating breakfast at this little coffee shop. I started drawing some of the customers. The waitress asked about them and we had a small chat about art. When she gave me my check, she said "keep up the drawin' hon."

I tipped her well.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Design by Candlelight

A freak storm uprooted trees and knocked out power throughout the neighborhood. My school does not accept 'power outage' as an excuse to miss assignments. So, I worked by candlelight. It was actually fun. No fridge hum. No TV. No internet. Just me and the Moleskine.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Type Abuse

My current assignment is to communicate a political, social, enviormental, or economic fact using ONLY type. I chose domestic abuse. It was fun to stamp on the paper against the sidewalk. It messed up the ink on the paper, and gave me a nice roughed up texture on the paper. I scanned in some torn edges, but took them out, for fear of points deducted. The assignment only said type.

Sidenote: I've drawn every day now since I started. I feel a sense of personal accomplishment.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Beach of Death

I read in an article that Imperial Beach, CA has been labeled as a death beach. What that means is, sewage from neighboring Tijuana flows into the IB waters. Basically, if you swim the waters, you may get some sort of illness. It's sad to think of my childhood town as a death beach.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Strange Days

These are strange days we're living. I sure could use a vaction from this three-ring circus. We talk about things going from bad to worse. Was there ever a time when everything was fine? What kind of world will our new child grow up in?

Painting by Alex Grey

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Eternal Struggle

I had a really hard time with this current assignment. It's about opposites. I have to inspire a pleasurable reaction and a painful one with the same item, using either food or clothing. That -was- a clean Eagles jersey, and that's not my blood. I don't feel that guilty, though... it's T.O.'s old jersey.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Question of What Matters

I try not to let my circumstance rule me, but I guess I don't have a choice. It sounds like I'm playing the victim, but am I really a victim if I CHOOSE to be in that circumstance?

PS: I've drawn for five days strait. This is a new record.

Monday, July 02, 2007

All About Quality

See that in the pan? My wife made that. Large scallops with arugula pasta. It was resturant quality. Who knew I married a culinary artist. Yes, I'm bragging. But, I have every right to. She's adventurous in the kitchen. I should be so lucky.

I also drew again today. My fourth consecutive day. I should get some sort of medal.

He was reading the stocks.