Moving On
Well, no one seemed interested in the new direction of my blog. It was discouraging, but I didn't want to give up. So, time to move on with a slightly new direction. It'll still be a venue for my design work, but this blog will be about me, with my raw thoughts. Unfiltered.
Work inspired by Barbra Kruger, of course. This was in response to someone I know saying "I don't care about people shooting each other because it doesn't affect me. As long as me and my family aren't affected." Ignoring and not speaking about social problems are as bad as the problems themselves.
Work inspired by Barbra Kruger, of course. This was in response to someone I know saying "I don't care about people shooting each other because it doesn't affect me. As long as me and my family aren't affected." Ignoring and not speaking about social problems are as bad as the problems themselves.
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